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Babel Fish

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Friday, December 30, 2005


Robert Stevenson, CPA

Dear Friends of SBISD,
Mr. Forbes comments were not fair but consider this. I taught Junior Achievement at Northbrook High School a few years back. It was a ninth grade class and I taught Business and Economics in a practical application. The class was about 70% Hispanic and every one of the Hispanic children laid on the floor next to the walls of the classroom and slept during the class. The teacher was present and allowed this. The only children that listened were the Asians and Anglos and I learned a lesson about working class Hispanic culture. I do not agree that Hispanic children are incapable of learning, I believe it is cultural and our job as leaders, educators and taxpayers is to immerse them in English and teach them to love learning.


He's stating half-truths as fact. There is some correlation between IQ and S-E status. The problem is that correlation does not equal causation: poverty does not make people stupid. IQ tests, achievement tests, and SAT tests have a bias toward the middle-to-upper classes and to the college bound. Read some of Ruby Payne's books and you will find an IQ test she devised that is biased toward poor people. If you are like me, it will make you look like a fool. That being said, our schools take all kinds and conditions of kids. We don't screen them or pick and choose who to admit. We've got to learn how to educate the ones who show up!


There's been quite a bit of buzz about this out in the EduSphere. Seligman's piece leaves me scratching my head...

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