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Babel Fish

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« Education Increases and Cuts Proposed in the Federal 2007 Budget | Main | Collegeboard.com Offers a Great Resource for College Planning »

Sunday, February 12, 2006


Mike Falick


I couldn't agree more with your comment. The new focus on inputs is a significant erosion of local control. It is particularly surprising given that the Standard & Poors study showed no correlation between 65% and student achievement which should be the sole goal of the state's accountability system.


Mike do you percieve the move to control input data rather that outputs is as drastic a change as I do?
It appears to me this is a total flip in priorities. The most significant is the movement away from dropouts being of high importance because now the money to use for this priority is being limited.
It could cause leadership to be tagged with the outcome since they are assuming control of the input. I am having a difficult time accepting this reform because it has little or nothing to do with eduation and violates local control.

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