During the visioning process Spring Branch used during the Fall of 2005 that began the development of the District's Five Year Educational Plan, I discussed my view that top professors would soon teach highly specialized subject areas through live, online lectures that would be easily and readily available live and at low or no cost. While we are not quite there yet, there continue to be an ever increasing number of programs available at no cost to the end user.
Today I came across another great site that has many links to podcasts of college and above level links to specialized lectures. The links are all available here or after the jump below.
I have posted similar links regularly, and they can be viewed by clicking here or on the Free Educational Resources link under Categories on the left side of this page.
Last updated on January 13, 2007
Also see Open Culture's Other Podcast Collections
- American University - Washington College of Law iTunes Feed Web Site
- An eclectic collection of legal podcasts.
- Boston College iTunes Feed Web Site
- A diverse collection of lectures from across the BC campus. Just load on to your iPod and you're good to go.
- Bowdoin College iTunes Feed Web Site
- Lectures from Bowdoin. Note: many of the lectures are internally focused and not strictly academic. You can see a webpage providing more information on Bowdoin's offering here.
- Collège de France iTunes Feed Web Site
- So far this Francophone collection has a series of lectures on the subject, L'homme artificiel (Artificial Man). The Collège de France dates from 1530.
- Columbia University
- Duke University iTunes Feed Web Site
- Ecole normale supérieure (Diffusion des saviors) Feeds & Web Site
- Most of these presentations are in French. To access these them on iTunes, please go to this page and simply click on any of the individual links and iTunes will automatically launch. Or, alternatively, you can cut and paste any of these links into your own podcatcher.
- Georgetown University
- Harvard University
- From the Harvard Business School Press and the Harvard Business Review, this podcast features leading thinkers in the business and management world.
- Haverford College - Classic/Ancient Texts iTunes Web Site (see site for feeds)
- Haverford College, a very fine liberal arts college, has assembled a collection of key Latin and Ancient Greek texts which are read out loud. The best way to access this collection is through Haverford's website, for which I have included a link above.
- Johns Hopkins
- Northwestern University iTunes Feed Web Site
- A new/small collection, but it should get more robust over time.
- Ohio State
- Princeton University iTunes Feed Web Site
- A solid collection of well-known speakers. Only individual lectures to date.
- Purdue University Feed
- A large number of courses made available through podasts. From the looks of things, these courses are more intended for students on campus than for the general public.
- Stanford University
- Stanford University - General Collection iTunes Feed Web Site
- Individual lectures from across the university, including many guest speakers, such as the Dalai Lama. Plus you'll also find full courses:
- Individual lectures from across the university, including many guest speakers, such as the Dalai Lama. Plus you'll also find full courses:
- Stanford Law School: Program in Law, Science & Technology iTunes Web Site
- This program, based at Stanford Law School, focuses on the role that science and technology play in the national and global arenas. The issues discussed in these podcasts will interest students, legal professionals, businesspeople, government officials, and the public at large.
- Stanford Technology Ventures Program: Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders iTunes Feed Web Site
- A series of weekly lectures on entrepreneurship jointly sponsored by several programs at Stanford.
- Swarthmore College iTunes Feed Web Site
- Lectures by faculty from one of the country's finest liberal arts schools.
- University of California - Berkeley iTunes Feeds Web Site
- This is the most extensive collection of educational podcasts out there. Features a host of full-fledged courses. Titles include:
- Arts & Humanities
- Biology (click for all biology courses.)
- Chemistry
- Computer Science (click here for all comp sci courses.)
- Engineering
- Click here to see full list of engineering courses.
- Information Sciences
- Natural Resources
- Social Sciences (click here for complete list of social science courses.)
- European Civilization from Renaissance to Present
- US History: Civil War to Present
- General Psychology
- Social Psychology
- Introduction to Nonviolence
- Human Emotion
- Microeconomic Analysis
- Macroeconomic Analysis
- Natural Resources and Population
- Undergrad Colloquium on Political Science
- World Regions, People and States
- Arts & Humanities
- This is the most extensive collection of educational podcasts out there. Features a host of full-fledged courses. Titles include:
- UCLA Web Site
- UCLA posts here a series of webcasts of current UCLA courses. Although most are password protected, there are some interesting courses open to the public.
- University Channel iTunes Audio iTunes Video Audio Feed Video Feed Web Site
- Princeton has assembled a collection of public affairs lectures, panels and events from academic institutions all over the world. You can find podcasted lectures here from some of the world's leading thinkers.
- University of Chicago
- Center for International Studies iTunes Feed Web Site
- Graduate School of Business iTunes Feed Web Site
- The Arabic Circle iTunes Feed
- The University of Chicago's Center for Middle Eastern studies offers weekly lectures in Arabic that include social, cultural and academic investigations of the Arabic speaking world. Students will find it handy for practicing their comprehension.
- University of Glasgow
- University of Pennsylvania
- University of Virginia iTunes Feed Web Site
- Here you can get access to lectures, speeches and other events taking place at UVA.
- The University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Biochemistry 507 iTunes
- Stanford University - General Collection iTunes Feed Web Site