Our Board held its monthly workshop meeting tonight. Here's a recap of the issues discussed and actions taken on tonight's Agenda:
- Tonight we received the recommendations of the Bond Advisory Committee. You can download and view the Bond Committee's presentation here. At this point, the Board will consider and potentially modify the Committee's recommendations and determine whether to proceed with a bond election in November. The details of the Bond Committee's recommendations are available here. Finally, here are the details of the Board's timeline:
- June 18th–Bond Committee Recommendation
- June 25th–Financial Presentation
- July 23rd–In-depth Discussion of Recommendations
- August 16th –Continue Discussion of Bond Package
- August 23rd –Finalize Bond Package and Wording of Election Ballot
- August 30th –Board Action to Call Bond Election
- We also received an update on the proposed 2007-2008 Budget. The only new information is that it appears the Legislature's teacher pay raise will amount to a total of approximately $900,000.
- Finally, as part of our Board's work to revise the Board's Policies, we are currently reviewing revisions to EG (Local) (Curriculum Development), EH (Local), (Curriculum Design), FFAA (Local) (Wellness and Health Services: Physical Examinations), FMG (Local) (Student Activities: Travel), and GKDA (Local) (Nonschool Use of School Facilities: Distribution of Nonschool Literature). I invite you to review the proposed revisions and feel free to comment.
Update 6/20/07: The DIstrict's website website contains additional information about the Bond Committee recommendations.