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Babel Fish

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Thursday, March 20, 2008



Have you tried talking to your gcuiande counselor? He or she may be able to help you furthur. Since you express an interest in going to school, filling out the FAFSA, is a great way to get started in the college and financial aid search. There is a website called Fastweb.com that after you complete your profile, will match you with opportunities and scholarships that fit your profile. You can complete the FAFSA with your parents electronic signature. But you will have to apply for a pin and their social security number will be needed, as well as yours. Perhaps it all boils down, to you actually talking to your parents about your desire to go to college and one way of doing that is applying for financial aid. You can also get a job. That can help with expenses. Or speak with someone in the financial aid department at the college(s) you are interested in, they can offer a lot of help. You might need to complete the FAFSA in order to be considered for loans, grants, and scholarships. I attend USC and completing the FAFSA and filing out a scholarship application were necessary for me to be able to actually go here. Also, some states have lottery money, that if your grades are good and other requirements, you can attend an in-state school for free or they will help pay for it. You might want to contact your state Department of Education, or talk to a teacher, or people you know that are in college. That insight can defintely help. I apologize if this is really long and drawn out, but I do sincerely hope that you find someone to help you in going to college. Best wishes! Was this answer helpful?

Carter Copeland

Based my experience with mentoring and employing VOE students over the years, I strongly doubt the effectiveness of the proposed programs. I would recommend programs that target and involve parents of prospective students. Empowering parents with a greater vision and overcoming cultural barriers will get far more "bang for the buck" than student focused programs that are not supported at home.

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