This morning, our Board held an emergency Board meeting to discuss the status of our campuses, the timeline for re-opening our schools, and to authorize the possible emergency expenditures needed to perform the repairs to our buildings due to damage from Hurricane Ike. (Click here for the Agenda).
In summary, the District came through the Hurricane very well. We did sustain roof and other damage to some of our buildings.
The District will not resume classes this week. The main issue is lack of electricity at approximately 2/3rds of our buildings. In addition, there are parts of the District where transportation issues exist.
On Friday, September 19, the situation will be re-assessed to determine if classes can resume on Monday, September 22. Dr. Klussmann and the Board made it clear that it is the desire of the District to get back to normal as soon as possible.
A question that I am being asked almost as often as when school will be back in session is whether we going to have to make up the missed days. I think that a decision on make-up days will be made in the next few weeks.
For more information, please visit the District's website or the alternative website that is only presenting Hurricane update information.