Our first agenda item was an update on damage from Hurricane Ike. By Wednesday, all of our schools except Hunters Creek Elementary will be open. Hunters Creek continues to wait on power restoration at which time it can re-open.
Our Board held its regular monthly meeting tonight. Here's a recap of the issues discussed and actions taken on tonight's Agenda.
No one spoke during Citizens Participation.
We next had a hearing on the District's 2008 Schools Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST). I am pleased to report that for the sixth consecutive year, Spring Branch achieved the highest possible rating of Superior Achievement. Our next agenda item was the consideration of amendments to Board Superintendent Operating Procedures #1, 11, and 17. We postponed consideration of possible amendments to #17 until our October Workshop meeting.
We then had our Board member liaison reports (each Board member serves in a liaison capacity).
We had our first reading of Legal and Local Policies contained in TASB Update 83, and we considered amendments and approved FFA (Local) Student Welfare and Health Services.
Our first action items on the Agenda included the approval of the Budget Status Summary with Budget Amendments as of August 31, 2008, and the Facility Improvement Program Monthly Status Report with Project Detail Changes as of August 31, 2008. As we do in every monthly meeting, we also approved the awarding of a number of contracts.
Next we considered and approved the creation of 2 new District Task Forces -- the Alternative Learning Task Force and the Individual Learning Plan Task Force. Both of these Task Forces will explore and make recommendations for the implementation of components of the Five Year Educational Plan.
We next considered a Resolution on the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Proposed Grade Point Average (GPA) Rules. I have previously posted information about the urgent need for public comment on this issue. For more information, please see these prior posts here and here.
We then had an update and discussion on the District's Five Year Educational Plan. We concluded our meeting with the approval of the items on our Consent Agenda.