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Babel Fish

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« Emergency Board Meeting: Spring Branch Schools Closed Through Friday, September 19 | Main | Here's an Awesome Inspirational Video of Dallas ISD Student Dalton Sherman Who Asks "Do You Believe in Me?" »

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Laura H

Thank you for providing a well written article. I have been trying to get this word out in the Dallas area for several weeks now, and I believe people do not understand the magnitude of this rule. Not only will the "Career" classes be eliminated from GPA calculation, but also all fine arts, physical education and several business classes as well. For one child I know, that means that only 18 of the 26 required credits she takes for graduation will be counted towards her GPA. Dr. Paredes is misguided in his efforts. To imply that fine arts, physical education, economics, architecture are " mostly irrelevant to what universities do," as Dr. Paredes said, is plain wrong.
I hope you continue to publish followups on this subject and perhaps link to the THECB website so that our readers can see all the data for themselves. I applaud the transparancy of the Board, as they will broadcast all their meetings by internet for the public to listen. I am glad you are encouraging others to take a stand.

Allison Carter

About the Uniform GPA proposed changes:

I wrote in to Ms. Coffey, and am still shaking my head over how shortsighted our state-level educators seem to be. My middle school child is in some pre-AP classes, but not others, so it's likely a wash in terms of how the proposed change would affect her GPA and class rank. Nevertheless, it should be obvious to anyone that higher-level work deserves a commensurate reward. It serves as incentive for students to stretch, and as a reward for those who persevere.

Sacrificing our kids' educational quality for the convenience of colleges and universities goes against everything our state educational board should stand for.

I'll concede that No Child Has Been Left Behind when the Higher Education Coordinating Board concedes it's because All Children Are Being Equalized to the Level of the Least Capable.

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