Our Board held its monthly workshop meeting tonight. Here's a recap of the issues discussed and actions taken on tonight's Agenda.
Our first Agenda item was an update on the 2007 Bond Plan, including updates on technology, buses, Buffalo Creek, Cedar Brook, Treasure Forest, Sherwood, Nottingham, Hollibrook, Westwood, Spring Shadows, Terrace, Landrum, Grob Stadium, Tully Stadium, Don Coleman Coliseum, the Natatorium, Housman, Memorial Middle, Ridgecrest, and athletic projects at Stratford, Northbrook, Spring Woods, and Memorial.
Our next Agenda item was a discussion about the District's Audit and Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for Year Ended June 30 2008. I will post both the Single Audit Report and the CAFR once they are finalized. In summary, the District received a clean bill of health from our external auditors.
Next we received a budget update and had a discussion about the update, the parameters for our FY 2010 budget and the budget timeline. Because the current school finance system provides no additional revenue for inflationary cost increases, we are looking at very difficult decisions in the coming years. (For more on the problems with the current school finance system, see these prior posts).
Our next two agenda items were the second readings and consideration of possible amendments to AE (Local) Educational Philosophy/Mission Statement
and FD (Local) Admissions.
Finally, as we do every year at this time, we approved the Superintendent's Evaluation Instrument.