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Babel Fish

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Sunday, January 04, 2009


Emily S

Neat post! Reminds me of what colleges and universities around the world are doing with OpenCourseWare- i.e. giving students or any potential learner access to high-quality classes, lectures and course material.

If you like the online learning format- which OpenCoureWare offers- you may want to consider an online degree. As many alreayd know, OCW will not confer a college degree, they offer classes just for the sake of learning. If you do want to earn that coveted college degree- consider online education! Our online education website, University Bound, can help connect you to a wide variety of online schools and degree programs.

If you've experienced free online college and university lectures and found the experience to be a positive one, consider earning your degree online and taking advantage of the technology right at your fingertips!


The fact that Lecturefox can bring high quality classes from universities all over the globe is an incredible concept. This is a real boost to online degree programs for many hard-working students. I'm sure one that will be greatly appreciated.

Online Degree Program


Lecturefox is a very useful & free service. Online degree programs are a logical alternative to campus-based degree programs in today’s increasingly technological world.

- Clara.

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