Our Board held its regular monthly meeting tonight. Here's a recap of the issues discussed and actions taken on tonight's Agenda.
The Board had four special presentations this evening. Our first special presentation was recognition of Pam Lowrie, PPCD Assistant at Bendwood Elementary School, as our February 2009 Employee of the Month.
The second special presentation recognized Robert Farlow, who has committed hundreds of hours to coordinating and organizing the Memorial Mustangs Outreach Bunch (MMOB), as our February 2009 Volunteer of the Month.
The final special presentation recognized the District's students who have been selected for this year's All-State Band and Choir.
The next agenda item was Citizen's Participation.
Board members then presented their Liaison Reports (each Board member serves in a liaison capacity) followed by our Quarterly Energy Report for October - December 2008 and our Quarterly Investment Report.
The Board then adopted two revised Board policies, EIB (Local) Academic Achievement: Homework and FEF (Local) Attendance: Released Time. Regular readers of this blog know that I have written a great deal about the issue of homework.
Next were first readings of CW (Local) New Facilities and D(Legal) and (Local) Policies - TASB Policy Update 84.
Tonight's action items on the Agenda included the approval of the Budget Stateus Summary with Budget Amendments as of January 31, 2009, and the Facility Imporvement Program Monthly Status Report with Project Budget Changes as of January 31, 2009. As the Board does in every monthly meeting, a number of contracts were awarded.
Additional action items included the approval of the following items:
- Revised Employment Contract Addendum
- Enrollment Projections for 2009-2010
- 2009-2010 Staffing Definitions and Guidelines
- Architectural Schematic Design and Design Development (SD & DD) Memorial Middle School Additions and Renovations Project
- Recommendation for Termination of Construction Management at Risk Contract to Brookstone Corporation for the SBEC Transition Campus
- Establish Money Market Accounts
- Sign a Non-Binding EBS Spectrum Royalty Agreement Term Sheet with Harvests Independent Spectrum LLC for Possible Lease and/or Sale of FCC License KRZ68
The meeting concluded with a discussion about the High School Science 4x4 Project Scope and Direction.