Today Spring Branch launched a new website that is focused solely on our Five Year Educational Plan. The website includes this letter from our Superintendent, Dr. Duncan Klussmann:
This year’s annual report reflects the Five Year Educational Plan Goals adopted by the Board of Trustees. We believe that the overarching and crucial focus of these action plan goals is student success beyond the prekindergarten through 12th grade experience.
We take most seriously our community’s charge to prepare our young people for the life in the 21st century through strong academics, athletics, community service and a variety of other opportunities, and to offer a well-rounded program in a fiscally prudent manner.
Duncan F. Klussmann, Ed.D.
Spring Branch ISD Superintendent of Schools
The website also includes the following:
- Goals English Version
- Goals Spanish Version
- Five-Year Plan
- District Survey
- Powerpoint - 2/2009
- Report to Board - 2/2009
- Executive Summary - 2/2009
- Targets Summary