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Babel Fish

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« A Teenager Shares the Pain of Her Father's Accidental Death | Main | Senate Bill 175 Passes Out of the Senate: Senator Shapiro's Bill Limits the Top 10% Rule to 60% of the Incoming Freshman Class »

Wednesday, March 25, 2009



Thanks, Mike, for expounding on that.

Mike Falick

SBISD favors reduction of unfunded mandates generally.

The bus evacuation drills were one of these mandates.

The class size ratio change provides latitude for the District which is helpful in high mobility situations. Otherwise, we have to place a new teacher on a campus and divide classes when the 23rd student is enrolled in K - 4th, even if the ratios later return to 22:1. It is terribly disruptive for students to move mid-year to a new teacher, and SB300 provides additional latitude to the District in this type of situation.

The energy mandate required a perpetual 5% per year reduction in usage. Spring Branch began reducing consumption well before the requirement was put in place, so achieving these reductions, at some point, would be very difficult. Our energy plan maximizes energy efficiency, and the Board receives quarterly energy reports which I have previously posted on my blog.


Is SBISD in favor of SB300? I understand the bus part but on the face of it the energy and student ratio parts don't sound that helpful...

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