Today, the American Leadership Forum and the Houston A+ Challenge co-hosted the Fifth Biennial Convocation on Public Education. The Convocation this year is entitled Education 2021 - Preparing Kids for a Future We Can't Describe.
The keynote speaker for the Convocation was noted educational futurist, David Warlick who challenged the 250 participants to answer the question of how to educate kids for a future we can't describe. He started from the proposition that in a flat world (see Thomas Friedman), it is important to change what and how students are educated in the classroom.
David pointed out that this is the first time in history we are preparing kids for a future we can't clearly describe. He also said that it is an insult to our students to continue to educate them in 19th century classrooms.
The main take-away for me from the Convocation, as was the case during Spring Branch's Visioning Process is the critical importance of changing the way education is delivered to meet the rapidly changing world in which our students live.
David Warlick's handouts from the presentation are available here. His slideshow, which is very enlightening, is below.
The Convocation was even streamed live (and parts are available for viewing) on Ustream.
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